Thursday, April 9, 2009

This is a picture of a day trip I took at Helen. I just went to Helen today and loved it. Helen is a town in Georgia that is made to look like a German town. They have everything, restaurants, mini golf, you name it. It is my favorite town in the whole world. We were also going to see a waterfall nearby, but we couldn't find it. Then we tried to go to a different waterfall, and it was closed. Then we just decided to spend the day in Helen. We had lunch there. We ate at the international cafe. It was pretty good and then we just walked through the town.

This is one of the horses at Helen. This one was funny because if you gave it a carrot it would smile for you. This is a picture of the horse smiling.

Horse at Helen

This is a horse at the town I went to called Helen. The horses are really friendly. You can rent them for a day if you go to Helen. Sadly I didn't ride in one, but that would have been so fun!!!

Lake Lanier

This is lake Lanier at it's lowest point this year. I went here to check it out because of how low it is. This was taken in December so it has risen about 10 feet. That is good because I really want to get a boat, and if the lake keeps rising we will get one. Hopefully within the next few years it will be up at it's normal point. If you look in the background you can see a no wake sign were the water is supposed to be at.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

These are my guitars. The one on the left is the best one and my favorite. It is an Ibanez. It is my favorite type of guitar. The one on the right is sort of bad and I don't really play it that much. I am not sure what kind it is and it sound bad. That is why I always play the other one.

This is my Ukulele. I am not quite sure how to play it. It is harder than the guitar be a lot. It is still fun to mess around with and it sounds cool. My Nana got it for me on Christmas because she played one and I wanted one too. I could never figure it out.

This is a distortion pedal loaned to me by my awesome guitar teacher named Sonny. He let me borrow it so I could play in front of my class in April. Sadly I forgot about it and missed it!!!

This Is My Amp

This is my guitar amp. As you can see it is a peavy amp. I have another one but is is terrible so this is the only one I use. My dad got it for me last year along with the guitar!!!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Check Out My Pole Questions

My pole questions are to figure out what people think about a certain subject. It is also to make my blog more popular. I really want to know what youk guys think. They will occure weekly. Sometimes I might put even more questions out there. It would be so awsome if you would check it out.

Sunday, April 5, 2009